The EDI Translator Development System
The EDI Translator Development System
is a commercial EDIF translator development environment. It provides all of the software modules, the support libraries, and the intermediate format required for any EDIF translator development.
EDI provides a procedural interface to its own persistent intermediate database. EDI also includes a full suite of EDIF utilities, to ensure the correctness of the final translator product and optimize the EDIF data.
The "hub" of EDI is an intermediate data structure called the EDI database. Data can be piped in and out of this hub through any number of reader and writer "spokes". Meanwhile, intricate error checks are performed by the powerful EDI verifier, and the data organization is optimized by sophisticated mapping algorithms.
Full, lexical, syntactic, and semantic checks are performed for compatibility with the EDIF standard.
Tracey Handshy
Manager, Sales & Mrkt. Support